Posted by Kane under Health & Nutrition
Dance is a Stress Relief!
 Many people may not believe me when I say that dancing can be a brilliant stress reducer. But believe me, dance is a great way to relieve your everyday stresses or anxieties. Several studies, in clinical and nonclinical situations, have proven dance has reduced stress in students taking part in the studies.

Dance has always been known to be a physical activity that can be used for physical enhancement. But there is also a huge amount of evidence that proves combining dance with relaxation activities is an effective and enjoyable way of improving one's well-being.  As well as being a great physical form of exercise there are clinical reports that dance therapy helps in developing body image; improving self-concept and self-esteem, and reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. It decreases the feelings of isolation, chronic pain, and body tension while increasing communication skills and feelings of well-being.

Let's face it; dancing your way to being freer is a fun alternative. It's carefree and doesn't have to be taken too seriously. For year dance and body movement have been used as self-expression and used in ceremonial and religious events in most cultures throughout history. One culture that has always used it is the Medicine men and women of the Native American tribes; they have always used dance in their healing rituals.

These days there are numerous dance programs that use dance as a tool to reduce stress, some of these programs can be found on the Internet. Below are a couple of courses that you can find on the Internet.

Dance Movement Therapy is a psychotherapeutic use of movement and dance for emotional, behavioral, social, and physical conditions.  It is an expressive therapy that strengthens the body/mind connection through movements to improve your mental well-being.  This is why Dance Movement Therapy is fantastic for the use of stress management.

Dance Movement Therapy increases your self-awareness, and helps express your feelings, this eliminates stress as you do not keep your troubles bottled up inside. 

Another program that uses dance as a stress relief is Wu Tao. Wu Tao is a dance relaxation therapy program that combines meditation, dance, and music. This program is useful for people of all ages and abilities. You don't have to be a fantastic dancer to learn and complete the moves of Wu Tao with ease and grace.  You will feel more energized, relaxed, and centered after your very first class.

There are also practicing qualified Dance Therapists in most countries. Check your local area for Dance Therapists if you are looking to discover this form of therapy on a deeper level.

So the benefits of Dance And Movement Therapy as a form of Stress relief are endless. Whether you take dance up for fun and create your therapy, or you go to a Qualified Dance Therapist, your quality of life will improve amazingly. So get up and get dancing to achieve a more stressless and anxiety-free life.

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